Fluoride Treatments

Your pearly-white enamel seems tough – but not as tough as you might think.  Every single day, chewing, grinding, acidic foods, sugary drinks, and even speaking can take a toll on your tooth enamel. This leaves your teeth vulnerable to staining, decay, breakage, and sensitivity. We don’t want that! Aduddell Dentistry, your general dentist in Plano, offers the simple, effective tooth protection of Fluoride varnish for all of our patients of all ages. We treat kids with Fluoride at every visit to ensure their teeth are safe and sound through all of childhood’s ups and downs, and adults are treated as needed. So what exactly is Fluoride and how does it protect your teeth? 

Fluoride is a naturally occurring element that adheres to the calcium ions “near the surface of the tooth, anchoring them together and cutting down the rate at which the tooth is worn away.” 

This is perfect for:

  • Reversing tiny cavity bugs
  • Protecting your teeth from dry mouth and acid attacks
  • Defending your roots 
  • Preserving your dental work
  • Lessening sensitivity
  • Helping you save money on your future dental treatments. 

Its easy and fast and can be done at your hygiene appointments to add that extra layer of protection and help your teeth stay strong for life!

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