Comprehensive Exams

You may have had a dental exam before – but we doubt you have ever had one like your comprehensive exam with Aduddell Dentistry. Your initial exam happens at your first visit and patients tell us that they can’t get over how thorough it is – and how fascinating. This first exam is there to create an in-depth baseline from which we measure and determine all future treatment. And all of the exam doesn’t even involve us looking in your mouth! That’s because, before we ever take x-rays, before we measure your gum pockets or look at your enamel we sit down with you and get to know you as a person. We go over your dental history, review your home hygiene routine, and understand what you wish for your smile. 

Then we get you in one of our comfortable chairs to check: 

  • Your face, neck, and mouth for abnormalities
  • Your teeth for cavities, wear, or other damage
  • Your gums for any sign of gum disease
  • Your  jaw and bite for balance or the first symptoms of TMJ disorder
  • Your soft palate and throat for indicators of sleep apnea
  • Your entire mouth for the very first signs of oral cancer

And we do all of this at every hygiene visit thereafter. All of our general dental exams in Plano are designed to ensure that even the smallest problems will be caught early. That’s good for your health, your schedule, and your wallet!

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